Chin Augmentation
Surgery to augment the chin is also known as genioplasty or bone advancement surgery. It’s purpose is to rejuvenate or reconstruct the chin and enhance the contours, shape, and balance of the face by increasing the projection of the chin and strengthening the jawline. The surgery can be performed either by using an implant or by advancing the bone. If only minimal augmentation is required, injection with dermal fillers in the clinic may suffice.
Florian Bast is a leading expert in delivering these surgeries for patients across some of London’s most prestigious hospitals.
Chin implants are a frequent solution to aesthetically enhance a receding chin. It is a simple surgical procedure that will add volume and structure to the jaw, without changing the natural-given anatomy of the face. Chin augmentation may be performed as an isolated procedure, or combined with other surgeries such as rhinoplasty (nose reshaping) in order to provide symmetry and to create a balanced rejuvenation of the face.
During your consultation, you will learn about the surgery, its limitations and risks, and discuss your needs and concerns. This will help Mr. Bast understand your expectations and determine whether they realistically may be achieved. He will evaluate your face, including the skin and underlying bone, and take medical photographs in order to discuss options using morphed pictures at a second subsequent consultation.
Surgical Procedures
Where non surgical approaches are insufficient to provide the desired results, or a long term solution is required, surgery may be considered. Mr Florian Bast is a world leading ENT surgeon with many years of experience in proving these surgeries.
For chin implant surgery, Mr. Bast will make a small incision near where the implant will be placed, either in a crease below the chin or inside the mouth at the gum/lip junction. A pocket is then made in the facial tissue, the implant inserted, and the incision sutured. The sutures are removed after 5 to 10 days (sutures placed inside the mouth will dissolve in a similar period of time).
Jaw Surgery
For bone advancement, a small incision is made on the inside of the mouth, the bone is cut on either side of the jaw and advanced forward securing it with small plates and screws. This type of surgery is typically performed on patients who require 10mm or more advancement of their chin.
Recovery is usually uneventful and most patients go home the day of surgery. Immediately after surgery, a dressing is applied that will remain in place for two to three days. Most patients feel a stretched, tight sensation after the surgery, but this usually subsides in a week. Transient paraesthesia (numbness) to the chin or lower lip is normal and typically resolves within weeks.
After approximately six weeks, most swelling will have settled, and you can enjoy the results of your procedure. Rigorous activity may be prohibited for the first few weeks after surgery. Normal activities may be resumed after approximately ten days.
Facial plastic surgery makes it possible to enhance your natural features and reduce the signs of premature ageing.
Interested in discussing a Chin Augmentation Surgery with Mr Florian Bast?
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Mr Florian Bast offers ENT and facial plastic surgery at a variety of hospitals in London, England. These include: Rhinology at Cromwell Hospital, London; Rhinology at Cadogan Clinic, London; Balloon sinus dilation at The Lister Hospital, London; Endoscopic balloon dilation at Weymouth Street Hospital, London; Rhinology at Guys Hospital and St Thomas’ Hospital, London; ENT services at 25 & 9 Harley Street, London; Rhinology at Sydney Street Diagnostics Centre, London.